The orange flags on Main Street indicate to customers which businesses are open and holding First Friday events. Participating businesses are encouraged to put their orange flags out on First Friday morning and to keep them up until closing time that same night. For consistency and recognizability we recommend erecting them on a flagpole off the face of your storefront so that street traffic can see them several blocks away.
The Chamber purchased orange flags after receiving feedback that shopkeepers at the top and bottom of Main Street were not getting visitor traffic because discouraged customers were having difficulties recognizing which stores were open and which stores were closed on First Fridays.
The Chamber provides members with Main Street storefront a free First Friday flag upon request. Participating nonmembers can purchase a flag for $10. Please email the chamber at info(at)coldspringnychamber.com or stop by Flowercup Wine at 82 Main Street in Cold Spring, if you need a flag for your First Friday event.