Take the Philipstown Climate Smart Community Task Force Survey

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The Philipstown Climate Smart Community Task Force is measuring our Town's "carbon footprint" and in order to get the best data possible, we are conducting a community-wide household survey.

Measuring a "carbon footprint" means estimating how many pounds of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide, households emit into the atmosphere and how many pounds of GHGs households can store in soil. This survey is confidential and voluntary and any household in Philipstown is eligible to participate. The survey asks questions about household behaviors and purchases that are related to GHG emissions. With this data, our Town will develop a "Climate Action Plan" to reduce our collective GHG emissions.

Here is a link to the survey: bit.ly/Ptownsurvey. You can learn more about it at their website: climatesmartphilipstown.org.

The survey takes people 15-35 minutes to complete, depending on the household. Having oil and/or propane utility bills handy is a good idea. The survey asks for name and address to verify Philipstown residency, but any other contact information is optional. All personal information is kept confidential and is never shared with any other organizations or entities.