In August the Chamber board adopted a statement on diversity and inclusion to guide our leadership and members. In formulating the statement, the board considered how and why bias awareness and anti-bias training are important to the business community. This portion of the statement expresses the reasons:

Because Cold Spring is a popular destination for visitors from around the world, business owners here encounter people of every type. It is important that we commit ourselves to welcoming everyone regardless of nationality, appearance, manner, or belief. We must make ourselves and our community aware of how easily any person or group can be made to feel excluded or maligned.

We encourage the members of the business community to reread the statement regularly. 

The Chamber newsletter will henceforth include links to resources that may help readers combat personal and professional biases. This month we suggest taking the Harvard Implicit Bias Tests to identify unconscious biases. In addition, the article “How Companies Can Move from Words to Action to Address Systemic Racism” is a useful guide to changing business structures and relationships so they support diversity and inclusion.

If you would like to share with the Cold Spring business community other resources relevant to this effort, please send them to info(at) 

We’d like to thank the members who told board members that the Chamber should take a stand against inequality and racism. Your engagement and actions guide what we do.