March Breakfast Meeting: “The Give and Take of Local Philanthropy”

DATE: Tuesday, March 10, 9:00–10:30 a.m.

LOCATION: Garrison Pizza Cafe, 1135 Route 9D, Garrison, NY

Nonprofit service and cultural organizations add to the quality of life of Philipstown residents every day. As a business owner, you are probably often asked to support local organizations and events. Financial appeals come in all shapes and sizes, from walk-ins asking for cash to solicitations for sponsorships, attendance at benefits, and advertising in event programs. The decision to give is a personal one, but there are smart ways to organize your philanthropy. Get an insider’s view of fundraising from from Mona Smith, the Manager of Institutional Funding at the Hudson Highlands Land Trust and an independent consultant with more than twenty-five years of nonprofit management experience, and Nat Prentice, Vice President of the Chamber and a member of the board of the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley. Learn methods of diplomacy—how to say yes and no—from Jack Goldstein, Chamber Board Member at Large. Coffee and pastries will be provided by the Garrison Pizza Cafe.


MEMBERS: $10 before March 9, $15 after March 8

NONMEMBERS: $15 before March 9, $20 after March 8